Our Mission, Vision and Values

Our Vision

We are helping hundreds of people to maintain a state of emotional wellbeing and to overcome difficult issues in their life by providing talking therapies.

Our Mission

Transmute Wellbeing is an independent therapy practice working with clients of all age groups, nationally and internationally.

A personalised approach along with a variety of integrative therapies are part of our strengths.

We provide Hypnotherapy, Counselling, EFT, Psychotherapeutic coaching and Workshops/Retreats.

We can help if you are experiencing a crisis, if you want to overcome a particular issue in your life or if you just want to find more about yourself.

The workshops with Transmute Wellbeing are aimed as preventative and supporting tools to maintain a state of Emotional Wellbeing.

We do this by working at a high standard, flexibly and in collaboration with other professionals and organisations, to ensure the best outcome for you.

We often work in partnership with other complementary and alternative therapists to encourage a holistic approach.

We guarantee professionalism, confidentiality and safety.

Our Values

Our 11 Points of Culture

  1. We embrace acceptance by actively listening to others in an open-minded way, acknowledging their past, present and future and honoring abilities, qualities and achievements. We do this to create an atmosphere where all feel respected and respectful and individuality is celebrated.
  2. We actively demonstrate commitment by holding our clients in mind and doing whatever we can to promote our cause, whilst being consistent even in the face of adversity. We do this to create positive working relationships, trust and to deliver a high-quality service.
  3. We show compassion by being thoughtful about what others may be experiencing and responding to them with kindness. We seek to understand the impact of experiences and realities on behaviors and empathize with others. We do this to good help ourselves and others feel heard, valued and understood and to meet the future positively whilst being at ease with oneself.
  4. We encourage empowerment by discovering and honoring our own and others’ resources, to create independence and hope, enabling ourselves and others to flourish and move forward.
  5. We embrace integrity by dealing with others even when it is challenging and by not concealing or hiding uncomfortable realities. We do this to promote openness and honesty throughout our work.
  6. We are committed to learning and growing as individuals and as a team every day.
  7. No one is perfect, but we strive every day to be the best that we can be.
  8. We have abundant mindsets, creativity and an innocent eye when looking at potential support for our client.
  9. We value diversity and learn with curiosity from it.
  10. We are congruent and ethical with everything we do with our clients
  11. We practice wholeheartedness every day and respect our clients, their confidentially and privacy in such way to ensure they are safe.

“I hope you love yourself enough to recognise the things you don’t like about your life and I hope you find the courage to change them.”

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